Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Counting Down to St Patrick's Day

We have been to Ireland. Just last year. We spent 17 glorious days on vacation in that very beautiful and green country. So, now we think of ourselves as Irish. That's all it took, just 17 days.

And, for the record, we do have some Irish blood in our family. The legend goes that my great great great...... grandfather (or was it mother) came to America from the Motherland. Last names were changed in order to avoid stereotyping and ostracizing, so there are no actual records. But, they were from Ireland just the same. And, we have a legend. Isn't that just as good as having proof? Legends are so totally Irish.
Now, my husband is also of Irish descent. His Granny's mother was Irish. She married a German, and they made their life together in the USA. So, since Mr. Big Talk has actual names and papers, he feels like he is more Irish than I am. (pshaw) And, both my daughter's have jumped on the bandwagon, and informed me that they are even more Irish than I am.

Even so, Ireland was my dream. And last year I got to make the trip. And it was FABULOUS, even if I did have to take all three of them with me!

So, in honor of the up and coming St Patrick's Day, I thought I would share some photos from our family vacation. Hope you like them!

Enter Here:

And door we came across in one of the many gorgeous walled gardens all across Ireland.

The Natives:

Posing as tourists

Enjoying bacon flavored snacks. My guy's new favorite junk food.

Enjoying the National Drink. And, even though the little person in the middle looks 13, she is actually 19. And in Ireland, the drinking age is 18, so all is well. Except for that ketchup. It is not the same thing as American ketchup!

Hamming it up in Avoca.

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